Making Mental Health a Priority at Work: Tips that Companies Can Use to Help Their Employees with Their Mental Health.

In this day and age, mental health is a huge concern for companies. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, one in five adults experiences mental heath challenges each year. It's also a concern for employers: according to the American Psychological Association, 59% of workers who have been diagnosed with depression or anxiety reported that it negatively affected their work performance.

If you're like most people, you've probably experienced anxiety or depression at work at some point in your life. These are very common problems that can impact the way you feel and function, and they don't always go away on their own. They can become more severe and require more intensive treatment if left untreated.

A lady searcing on her laptop to find ways in improving mental health at work.

The mental health of employees is an important issue that can significantly impact both individual workers and the overall success of an organization. Poor mental health can lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover, negatively affecting a company's bottom line. On the other hand, promoting mental health and providing support for employees who are struggling can improve morale, increase job satisfaction, and lead to better overall performance. 

The good news is a company can help its employees by offering them support when they need it and being flexible about how they receive that support. For example, if employees need time off for therapy appointments or counseling sessions, they should be able to request that time off without fear of reprisal. The bad news is that many employers don't know how to do this—or they're afraid of what it might cost them.

What Are The Ways To Improve Employees’ Mental Health

Here are five ways your company can improve employee mental health:

  1. Create a safe space for people to talk about their problems and ask for help. You don't need to hire a full-time psychologist or counselor: just make sure there are people in your office who are willing to listen, who will offer advice if asked, and who won't judge. Create a culture where it's okay for people to talk about their mental health problems without being judged or ostracized by their peers.

  2. Offer training on recognizing signs of depression and anxiety in others so everyone knows when someone needs help. This can include simple things like asking them how their weekend went before asking about work issues during an afternoon meeting; or more formal training programs offered by your HR department.

  3. Offer wellness programs like yoga classes or lunchtime walks around the block.

  4. Have an open-door policy where anyone in the company can see someone if something is bothering them without worrying about getting in trouble or feeling embarrassed.

  5. Offering access to mental health resources and services, promoting a positive work-life balance.

Why Is It Important To Take Care of Your Employees’ Mental Health

A healthy session in a room on Taking Care of you mental health

Taking care of the mental health of your employees is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it is the proper thing to do as an employer. Your employees are the backbone of your organization, and it is your responsibility to support them and ensure that they are healthy and well. Additionally, keeping the mental health of your employees can have numerous benefits for your organization.

For one, it can improve morale and job satisfaction, leading to higher levels of productivity and performance. When employees feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated at work. This can also lead to lower absenteeism and turnover, saving your organization time and money.

A manager meeting his employees online and discussing programs to improve mental health at work.

Another important reason to take care of the mental health of your employees is that it can help to create a positive work culture. When employees feel that their mental health is considered and supported, they are more likely to be open and honest about their experiences, which can foster a culture of trust and collaboration. This can, in turn lead to better communication and problem-solving within the organization.

 In short, taking care of the mental health of your employees is essential for their well-being, and it can also have numerous benefits for your organization. By providing support and resources for mental health, you can create a positive and productive work environment for all.


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What’s in it for me: A blog about keeping up with your mental health.