What’s in it for me: A blog about keeping up with your mental health.

Owl spirit animal. Owl staring straight into the camera.

Hi there! We’re so glad that you’re here.

No matter where you are in your journey with mental health, we want to let you know that we believe in YOU. We know healing and integration are challenging work. Healing really is the work of a warrior. Many of us are the only ones in our family of origin (foo) doing this work, which can make us feel even more alone with it all. It takes tremendous dedication and resolve to return again and again to the mission of undoing generational trauma and healing our deepest wounds. We know the path is not linear. And what we once thought was healed can return again with a new face. And those of us who are the only ones in our foo doing this work often have a heavier burden to carry as we also do the work for our ancestors.

But it’s worth it.

We are stronger and wiser for it.

By doing this work, we are healing the past and creating a clearer path forward. Not only for ourselves but for our descendants as well. And that is a huge part of what makes this work worthwhile.

One thing I’ve found to be helpful is to prioritize where I am spending my time online. We all know how easy it is to scroll through Instagram or watch a show on Hulu or Showtime. What many of us don’t know is that spending more time on social media can not only affect our moods it can affect our values and priorities with the level of influence it can bring into our lives. Whatever we put the most energy towards is what grows. Reading is excellent for your brain, and depending on what you are reading, it’s also great for your mental health. So, reading relevant blogs and articles can help and guide you. You can learn a lot, and it can be fun.

If you're anything like me, you've probably felt a LOT downhearted these days. Maybe you're worried about how much money you have left in your bank account and trying to cover your rent or single parenting is just too much or you’re sick and tired of the rampant racism you experience at every turn or tired of fighting with people who refuse to respect your pronoun and name or who you love. Whatever the case, reading blogs relevant to your life can help lift your spirits, help you feel less alone, and make you feel calmer—that's exactly why we're here today!

A man seriously thinking about keeping up with his mental health.

Whether you just started focusing on your mental health or have been working on it for a while, we know how hard it can be to prioritize it. We hope that by reading this and sharing blogs and articles with you, you can start feeling better about yourself and your life and see places of hope and potential for healing.

You probably already know this fact: nobody is coming for us…. we are the ones we have been waiting for. If we don't take care of ourselves, no one will. The system we live in is broken. That is a fact. We have to create something healthier and more accessible for all. If you don't make time to relax and recharge, your body will start sending out red flags—which can be pretty scary if you don't know what they mean.

That's why we want to share with you three ways you can keep up with your mental health:

  1. Make time for yourself every day. Yes, just you…alone. Do something independently. This is especially needed if you have a family you care for and/or kids. We are conditioned to give and give and give, making our bodies and minds feel fried, like burnt toast. We have to learn to make friends with ourselves. Having some solo time for yourself daily makes a HUGE difference. Take time to discover what you like and don’t like, so in those moments of need, you have something to lean on, something you know that will work for you. For some, it’s a massage, acupuncture, being alone in nature, or simply sitting at a cafe alone for hours with nothing to do could be precisely what you need. What is your thing? Do you even know? If not, get out there and explore! Find YOUR zen. Find YOUR thing. It’s different for everyone. And once you find it, MAKE TIME FOR IT! Guard it like something precious because it is.

  2. Get outside for at least 10 minutes every morning or evening. Feel the morning breeze or watch the sunset. Nature is profoundly healing. Even just 10 minutes can help rejuvenate your spirit and uplift you. Have you heard of Forest Bathing? It’s a thing in Japan! Check it out. For the nerds of us, science is here to back this up! Time spent in nature is good for us. Spending time in nature has been shown to Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, improve memory and cognition, boost heart health, support longevity, and enhance sleep. So get it already! Go outside.

  3. Do at least one thing that makes YOU happy each day. Can you think of something that comforts you and helps you feel joy? What is it? Please take a moment to say it out loud and acknowledge it. You can bake it into life. Tell yourself that you deserve good things. Say it to yourself right now: “I deserve good things.” Notice what happens when you say this to yourself. Is there resistance? Or is there a softening? Find a mantra (some words) you can own, something your spirit needs to hear. What reassurance or kind words does your inner child need to hear?

These are just a few things you can try to help you control your thoughts whenever you feel alone or anxious. Of course, if you are dealing with trauma, depression, or another more serious mental health issue, we are big advocates of getting mental health support. Therapy can be a great support for you when you are feeling low. Remember: We are not meant to do this work alone. It takes a village… We are here to help.

We hope this helps! Drop us a line if you’d like. We are always happy to hear from our followers!

beautiful calming hike in the forest.

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